Midi sur l'Asie

First step – Bali
février 12, 2009, 6:14
Filed under: Indonesia, Travel diary | Étiquettes: , , ,

Morning or afternoon, I can’t remember! We arrived yesterday in Bali and guess what? It’s raining!!! But properly raining! This is the last week or supposedly the last week of the rainy season so I hope it will be over soon! I met up with Pauline, Laure and Emily, my travel mates for this trip and the start sounds promising! We celebrated the holidays properly with some vodka and gin and tonic (for the moskitos obviously! ;p) and stayed up till 3:00am last night (30 hours without sleep, yes!)

Bali is mad so far, very tiny streets with millions of motorbikes going everywhere andf some little shops.  

Internet is slow and I haven’t got much time but promise, I’ll upload some pictures later.

Big kiss from Bali

Tip of the day: Drinking Gin and Tonic prevents Malaria
octobre 19, 2008, 8:20
Filed under: Travel Tips | Étiquettes: , ,

Hah Hah, Tom, always some good advices…

So yes, apparently tonic water contains quinine, one of the composant of antimalarial pills that acts as a repulsive for mosquito. Drinking G&T sounds definitely more appealing than an injection, doesn’t it? One hic though, according to the Travel Doctor, you would need to drink 67 litres of G&T per day to be completely imune…